Many churches in Egypt have called for meetings of prayer and fasting in the days ahead. At St Michael's we participate in these days of prayer and fasting.We pray and fast for:
* comfort for those 24 people who died in the Maspero Massacre.
* forgiveness for the wicked people who killed these innocent demonstrators
* healing in Egypt; that Muslims and Christians will be able to live together in peace
* freedom of religion in Egypt; freedom to build new churches; freedom to speak of our faith; freedom of each individual to belief whatever he or she wants to belief
* the political process in the months ahead
We have three meetings for prayers in the days ahead:1. Tuesday: 7-8 pm, prayers in my office at St Michael's.
2. Wednesday: 7-8.30 pm, CandleLight service, with extra attention for prayer for Egypt
3. Thursday: 6.30-10 pm Family night, with special prayers for Egypt 7.30-8.30 pm.